Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas gift list
this is who you give to.

Sunni - Carson
Dan - Chris
Chris - Sunni
Carson - Dan

In a way to make things easier and on the whole shipping thing I thought it would be nice to just ship to one location. So for example it says Sunni give to Carson. So Sunni and Alan give to Carson and Deena. Not to difficult but seems to make it easier. Of course everyone remembers do their own thing for Mom and Dad.

Hopefully that works for everyone. If not sorry.

Honey same as always our kids to your kids. What do you think about not doing individual but a family gift for the kids. Let me know if you would rather do individual. So instead a game for the kids to play for FHE, or movie you know.

1 comment:

HFG said...

Rachel, that sounds awesome!! Easy and great idea.