We brought Brookie and Emma back from Missoula after Emma's baptism and two days later Honey brought Will and Janey. The first day they were here we made a list titled "Things We Want To Do". We got all of them done and a few more! Here is the list Emma and Brookie wrote and the pictures for proof.
1. Bake bread
2. Buy food
3. Look through Grandpa's books
4. Make jewelry
5. Pick raspberries
6. Yard work (It wasn't all play!)
7. Swim
8. Pack houses (We are getting ready to do the next phase of our remodel.)
9. Pack Santas (See above.)
10. Fix screen (Remember the one Christopher ran through last summer?)
11. Visit swans
12. Library (We needed to get additional copies of "The Spiderwick Chronicles.)
13. Watch movie (The kids picked "Where the Wild Things Are" - we wished we hadn't;))
14. Water slides (Roaring Springs water park)
15. Buy yarn (I am going to make ponchos for the girls.)
16 Postcards (To send to Dan who had to stay in Missoula and work.)
17. Toy movie (Toy Story 3)