This week, Emma got into NACC (the charter school where Brookie goes). It gets even better: She is in Brookie's class. The school only has 120 students total (K-6) and K-1 classes are combined. So they are so excited. I'm not sure what to think but we are going to give it a shot. I think I'm excited too. Emma starts Kindergarten on Monday.
Also have to mention that Emma also has a loose tooth (hers is on top).
Last but not least, Kiwi is missing. Last night when Dan got home around midnight, the cat snuck out the garage door and Dan could not find him in the dark. We have not seen him yet today. Going on 14 hours. The kids are sad. We've already searched the whole neighborhood over.
Here is the story Brookie wrote about how she planned to get that loose tooth OUT!!!
Dan and I always get a good laugh out of her phonetic writing. Here goes (good luck deciphering):
Get a cher pot it ondr the fan and pot all the pilos in the haws on top the cher Brookie stans on the cher pot a pes of twolit pepr on the fan pot the pes of twolit pepr on Brookies los toth then pol the cher a wey let her grop and let her tos toth! fol awt!